Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ac nisl vitae neque tincidunt fringilla a at leo. Aliquam tristique sagittis condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam ultrices turpis sit amet elit tempus malesuada. Suspendisse et venenatis magna. Nullam et risus erat. Quisque vel maximus tortor, in sollicitudin nunc. Mauris efficitur pulvinar dapibus. Sed malesuada dolor in risus faucibus, eu volutpat libero cursus. Cras vitae dignissim libero. Maecenas et suscipit dui. Duis mattis dolor neque, at interdum urna ultrices sagittis. Suspendisse luctus sem ac metus suscipit feugiat sit amet ut dui. Integer semper, nunc vel dictum convallis, tellus neque laoreet felis, sed egestas lorem magna non justo.
Fusce mollis tempor augue eu finibus. Integer aliquam, ex sed molestie mattis, arcu nulla maximus nulla, eget pulvinar justo mi eget nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce leo augue, rhoncus non ornare vel, malesuada et nisi. Nam a massa et est luctus commodo vitae sit amet erat. Vestibulum mi ipsum, mattis sed ante eget, convallis efficitur ex. Donec laoreet tristique dui, eu consectetur neque laoreet vitae. Nam vitae lacinia odio, et laoreet libero. Nam et tellus eu diam iaculis vehicula. Aenean sollicitudin risus id tristique congue.
Wonderberrys was set up in 2015 when we decided to invest everything in doing what we love: we have two passions, the first is baking and the second is exceptional customer service. Since then we have had a great time, meeting lots of lovely people and helping to make their weddings and celebrations extra special.
We take every enquiry very seriously, listening to our customers hopes and dreams, and then work together with them to deliver beyond their expectation.If you would like to make a 'no obligation' enquiry please use our contact us page to let us know how we can help and we will get straight back to you.
Charlotte was recommended to us and we would have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone. Charlotte made us a 3 tier wedding cake with butter icing. She provided a 5* service from start to finish. We enjoyed the cake tasting session and found her very informative about cake flavours, size of cake needed and delivery times. Not only did our cake look impressive, but it tasted AMAZING!
Claire & Adam